On the other hand, Nissan has its advantages :)
As I said in the linked posts, I'm invariably still catching up on davvening/praying the Amidah prayer while everyone else is saying the Tachanun prayer. So, when I head home on the subway to drop off my tallit and tefillin and pick up my backpack, I end up starting from Tachanun and repeating whatever I've already recited of the psalms and prayers that come afterward. Sometimes, especially on Monday and Thursday, when Tachanun is longer, I don't finish, and have to do (the Aleinu prayer and) the Shir shel Yom/Psalm of the Day at home. But without Tachanun, I can just start at Ashrei and finish Shacharit (Morning Service) on the subway. :)
In case I'm a bit busy finished the kitchen kashering, I'll take this opportunity to wish all of you a Pesach kasher v'sameach, a Kosher and Happy Passover.
Chag kasher v'sameach, Shira.
Chag Kasher v'sameach to you and yours.
Thanks, JDub and Larry!
We've been having fun with our Pesach prep, as you can see.
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